After-sales Support
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One single new telephone number for all support, worldwide, and all 24/7 support: +46 20 42 42 16.
Old support numbers no longer work.

Phone: +46 20 42 42 16
The CodeIT Support Center (CSC) plays central role in our After-Sales Services.
When installation and commissioning are complete, we hand operational support to the Support Center. Contact the Support Center for technical assistance, support issues, spare parts, life-cycle management, and needed replacements. Likewise, channel all warranty and RMA requests through the Support Center.
We run the CodeIT Support Center using dedicated in-house resources. The Support Center Team handles all support tickets and first-line support. They also coordinate all necessary resources for second and third-line support. Maintaining fully updated records about CodeIT installations and related special knowledge is one of the Support Team’s top priorities.
We believe we have one of the best support programs in our industry. We designed it to help CodeIT customers be more efficient and effective, and keep the green lights on. It is truly a program that adds value and keeps costs down.
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