CodeIT solves multiple shop floor challenges
CodeIT has deep underlying knowledge and vast experience in Operational Technology and Information Technology. Our system software tool, CodeIT Enterprise™, can solve multiple shop floor challenges and create an end-to-end service. Our home ground is technical connectivity, and our playground is integrations from the shop floor to ERP.
By way of example, one client alone uses CodeIT Enterprise™ on 179 production lines covering 16 different functions at 28 sites around the world. The functions include imaging, scanning, weighing, ice dozing, box lidding, AGV’s, and our core area; on-demand inline printing and marking and creating traceability.
We are proud of our capabilities and that our service offering to our clients is a vital part of their constant ability to improve their production flexibility.
If continually improving your production process is important to you, get in touch and we can explore the possibilities together: https://codeitworldwide.com/people/