Smart Warehouse and Inventory Management breakthrough

Smart Warehouse and Inventory Management breakthrough.

Solving traceability at DenEast in Vietnam.

Solving traceability and leveraging clients’ data is what CodeIT do. Our flagship software, services and production solutions that together make up CodeIT Enterprise™ have always been at the forefront when it comes to integration with ERP systems, MES, WMS and existing production equipment. The connectivity, flexibility, and scalability of CodeIT Enterprise™ is in a class of its own.

When the surrounding systems do not provide functionality clients are looking for, they turn to CodeIT and ask us if we can find a way to fill in the gaps. They know we are incredibly good at solving traceability and leveraging data. Such was the case with leading contract packer DenEast in Vietnam. The company’s core business is production and distribution of aseptically packed dairy nutritional drinks in Asia. DenEast opened their green-field factory in Vietnam in the fall of 2019. CodeIT plays a central role enabling full traceability and streamlined production.

DenEast use CodeIT Enterprise™ real-time integrated with their state-of-the-art production equipment from TetraPak and their Tetra Pak PlantMaster, plus data exchange with their SAP Business One ERP system.

Increasing capacity.

DenEast is now on the threshold of increasing capacity from 8,000L/hr. to 34,000L/hr. in 2021, as well introducing as number of new packaging formats. This places even greater demand on warehouse and inventory management if the company’s high levels of production efficiency are to be retained and continuously improved at the same time as capacity is increased. What is special is that DenEast, in its role as a leading contract packer, not only makes products according to clients’ recipes and instructions, but they also have clients who provide their own special ingredients and these need to be specially monitored along with all the other raw materials used. All this places special demands particularly on inbound warehousing and inventory management. Not only in terms of warehouse dimensioning, but also on logic and response speeds that need to be handled. There was no off-the-shelf solution available to cover everything they need.

Smart Warehouse Management Services.

To meet these special demands, CodeIT has together with DenEast developed the right solution to efficiently handle all inbound and outbound warehousing and inventory management functions that were found missing in other solutions. We call it CodeIT Enterprise Smart WMS – Smart Warehouse Management Services. It can run on both handheld devices, desktop computers or strategically located touchscreens. From the day we first sat down to discuss what was needed, with our Covid-19 facemasks on, to when the contract was signed, and implementation started, was less than 10 months. It is what happens when two innovative companies respect and admire each other.

Valuable flexibility.

CodeIT let you keep your options open for what the future may bring. CodeIT Enterprise™ is very versatile and can be configured and customized on-site to meet most operational and individual client needs. However, sometimes a client can have a special or unique need and might want something more. We have an experienced team of international consultants and software developers that can help. They can suggest ways to use our core software and services creatively, without alteration, or they may find it appropriate to modify features or implement new ones in our core software.

Link to DenEast web site:

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