Project and Manufacturing Documentation Control
Flexible. Scalable. Integration friendly. Cost-effective.
Extensive capabilities >
CodeIT eDOC/eMRB® is a software-only, cloud-based service designed explicitly for handling manufacturing record books, fabrication, production, and all project and manufacturing documentation at multiple sites anywhere in the world. It is an innovative, fully scalable SaaS solution that provides a common platform for documentation review and exchange. CodeITeDOC/eMRB® handles all documentation related to the design, production, operation, testing, and delivery of products with stringent requirements from a product lifecycle perspective, where continuous tracking and documentation traceability is critical.
Taking traceability to new levels >
Simplifying traceability is one of the significant benefits CodeIT eDOC/eMRB® offers. Traditionally, manufacturing documentation is compiled in large binders and stored somewhere in a building. Searches are done manually. With CodeIT eDOC/eMRB® , each certificate, report, or document is stored digitally, tracked individually, and instantaneously retrievable online.
Use cases >
- Oil & Gas companies that are looking at digitalization of their business process.
- Businesses or contractors looking for an effective global quality control system or portal that all suppliers must use, comply with, and readily participate in.
- Any engineering company or enterprise that wants to differentiate itself by offering clients easy access to an internal quality control system for everything it manufactures and supplies globally.
Integration friendly >
CodeIT eDOC/eMRB® securely stores all documentation in the cloud and allows access to individual documents. It reduces quality assurance (QA) costs, requires no installation, and users control access. CodeIT eDOC/eMRB® is often part of a broader range of information software like ERP, document control, QA, mechanical completion, and logistics. A robust application programming interface is built into CodeIT eDOC/eMRB® to enable seamless integration.
Cost-effective >
A significant benefit of CodeIT eDOC/eMRB® is fast and early access to documentation. Operators often require documentation is delivered together with the purchased equipment. This can be impossible for contractors since some documentation is not ready until very late in a project. CodeIT eDOC/eMRB® solves this by compiling documentation online, on the fly. However, other documentation like material certificates is available early. QA teams need to verify such documentation as part of the mechanical completion process. Until now, QA personnel had to manually perform site visits at manufacturers to verify these early documents because they could not be delivered until later. CodeIT eDOC/eMRB® makes this documentation available online from day one, eliminating the need for site visits for verification.
Key features >
- Real-time Documentation Management.
- Ubiquitous Document Registration.
- Full Tracking and Traceability.
- Blockchain Facilitation.
- Instant Retrieval.
- Secure Cloud Platform.
- Industry-Specific APIs.
- Custom Add-ons.
The original >
CodeIT eDOC/eMRB® first saw the light of day as CodeIT eMRB®, the first and only cloud-based software solution to address the need for the automatic digital creation and validation of Manufacturing Record Books. When clients first started using CodeIT eMRB®, they found it so attractive that they requested specific extensions and enhancements to cover all project documentation, not just the requirements for manufacturing record books. The result is CodeIT eDOC/eMRB®. It includes all the functionality of CodeIT eMRB®. In addition, it meets all the other needs that clients have for all their project documentation and can use as a supplier and customer portal. It is an innovative, fully scalable SaaS solution that provides a common platform for documentation review and exchange.
None better >
The EU's Horizon 2020 program supported the development of CodeIT eMRB®. H2020 is the most extensive EU Research and Innovation program, with nearly 80 billion euros in funding over seven years (2014 to 2020). CodeIT won the support amid razor-sharp competition against 361 prime European companies in a Horizon 2020 call for ICT for SMEs.